Grow your business faster this YEAR

Take it from Siimon Reynolds, expert and entrepreneur/co-founded two large enterprises, Photon Group and OMG. SIICOACH:

How your self image determines your wealth. You’re visualising how things will go anyway, all day long. It’s just how the brain works. So you might as well take control of the process and visualise exactly what you want. With regular daily practice you’ll find you will be more confident, more at ease, more effective. You’ll also find your economic identity will have changed. And soon after, your wealth.

Are you prepared to make 2022 your most thriving year yet?  It would be great to put the negative news of 2021 behind us and begin shaping a future that we propose!

Here are three quick steps you can use to jump-start your year:

Confirm your hypothesis
Be acquainted that you are making an assumption, and then authenticate your assumption. Get in touch with your prospective clients to find out what it would be of significance to them. If you think a new product would be immense, confirm your hypothesis before you start and save the time and money that it takes to change later.

Never assume that you’re correct. If you’re initiating a new service, you will have a mass of assumptions. Business is built on hypotheses. Investigations, statistics, surveys, etc. all exist to gather information to authenticate or contradict hypotheses.

Track your advertising/marketing

Organise your marketing thoughtfully, and follow your results. Know what you’re trying to achieve with your marketing, not generically. Understand who your targets are, how to reach them, what elucidation you’re offering, what results you expect, how many touches it takes to convert a prospect into a customer, how long your crusade will last, etc.

Marketing is costly in money or time (or both). Even if you’re core effort is online and isn’t costly, it will still cost you effort and time. Never market without having finances, goals, and ways to track your achievement.

These simple steps can help you immensely. Not only will they assist you in achieving results, but they will also help you save time and money that might otherwise be wasted on guesses.

Set your objective

Adjust and adapt to changing circumstances, but always with the goal in mind. This is one of the keys to setting goals; it upholds your focal points and assists you in coordinating your actions. Countless people will not bother, but it has been said a couple of times. Set your goals. Note them down. Commit to them. The point isn’t just noting them down and then hoping they’ll come true. Set the goals, and then plan how you’ll accomplish them. Break the goals into pieces, and allocate pieces of them to dissimilar offerings your corporation has. Track your progress towards your goals, and scrutinise what works and what doesn’t work.

Making It Through The Perils of Management

What are Leadership and Delegation?

Delegation is the act of assigning tasks and responsibilities, together with the necessary authority (leadership) to carry them out, to your employees. Effective delegation can save you time and motivate your team by demonstrating that you trust them and value their abilities.

Common Mistakes Managers Make When Delegating

  • Don’t give enough freedom
  • Don’t communicate clearly
  • Aren’t open to new ideas

How to Delegate

Firstly, concentrate on the most important matters yourself. You should be doing activities that only you can do (that involve a high level of skill and, ideally, that you enjoy doing). When delegating, set broad controls and allow your team to make mistakes.

Communicate Clearly

Take the time to make your requirements known to your team member. Give a clear picture of the results you expect, the time limits involved and the authority being transferred to that team member. Also, make sure other people in the organisation know about the delegation so they can support it.

Encourage Participation

Employees are least satisfied and least motivated when they can’t inject their own ideas into the project. They need to be able to display their own talents.

Examine Results Not Methods

An effective delegator needs to accept varying approaches to achieving results. Since no two people approach a solution in exactly the same way, you need to concentrate on whether the desired results are being achieved or not or whether they are being achieved your way. A poor delegator says, ‘This is what we want to achieve, and this is how we will proceed.’ An effective delegator says, ‘Here is the result we have agreed we want to accomplish; give me your best recommendations as to how we can get that result.’

Show Trust

Allow your team members to get the job done without micromanaging. Excessive checking will convince the employees that they are not really responsible for the job.

Delegate Credit Only

You cannot delegate blame. Remember that you bear the final responsibility for the actions of your team

Know Your Team

You need to know what and how much you can delegate to a person. You should gradually increase the level of responsibility and importance of the tasks as results are successfully achieved.

Things to Avoid

Don’t let the chain of command get too long. If there are too many levels of responsibility, some information will never trickle all the way to the bottom.
Don’t ask one subordinate to report to two people. It will be impossible for the subordinate to decide whose work comes first.
Don’t make fuzzy job assignments. Grey areas between positions simply invite overlap, conflict and duplication of effort.
Don’t be too rigid. Try to maintain flexibility to provide for situations that inevitably crop up and need nonstandard solutions.


Make a list of three things you are doing today that you should be delegating. Identify who you will delegate them to, and write down how you will go about doing so. Then, delegate.

Managing your Business from the Top

A Powerful Complete Guide in Becoming a Smart Boss

Nowadays, starting your business and securing success are not as easy as investing money and watching it earn interest. With so many players entering the playing field, in addition to the opening up of every nation to globalisation (with the help of advanced technology) wherein competition becomes tougher and meaner, the survival of the fittest in business setting has become a lot complicated than it used to. There are currently so many things to consider and so many risks and threats to traverse. If you are not equipped well to play the game, then you can be certain that you will never reach the finish line. The key is to become armed with methods and formulas that can help you become one of the strongest players. And with the unstable economy making it more difficult, it is only fitting, now more than ever, to be guided by principles that can make you a worthy opponent and an exceptional survivor.

Different Facets of Management You Should Know

Time Management

Time, being definite, is the most valuable resource that a businessperson needs to manage. Since there are only 24 hours a day, with several hours spent on sleeping, eating, caring for oneself and socialising, it is only proper that a businessperson be stingy when it comes to managing time. As such, learning how to delegate to maximise time is necessary.

People Management

Once the business starts to boom, there will be no denying that the next unavoidable step to take is to get help. As much as you would want to do everything by yourself, it will not be physically possible. Since hiring an employee will entail spending money, a lot of businesspeople are trying to evade this process. Instead of arguing with the fact that getting help is not a prerogative but is a requirement, there are actually options to choose from on how to get help in the most cost-effective way.

Financial and Investment Management

Money is the cause and yield of all businesses. To be able for a business to get started, money is invested; to be able to be deemed successful, money should be yielded. However, having money does not equate to success; being able to grow this money is what businesses are all about. As such, developing a system wherein returns from investments are secured is a vital part of management.

Growth Management

Every business envisions itself becoming big and powerful in future. Whilst a lot of entrepreneurs spent time on dreaming and envisioning, being able to manage these dreams and visions to become a reality is what really matters. Knowing how growth becomes an indispensable part of the future is a management skill that is an essential ingredient in fostering a successful business.

Management Gone Wrong

An outstanding effect of not being able to handle all or any of these management phases may be an undesirable bottom line. Since all businesses are built with the goal of becoming profitable, the probability of failure is at high stake if skills are not set to manage all facets of management. Productivity will sure to suffer at great lengths if time and people are not handled well. Since finances are extremely connected with our production, we can be certain that this will generate less revenue than desired. With income being limited, it is only fitting to expect that future growth will never be realised as there would be no money to be used to expand the business.

Only when an organisation is able to determine ways for properly and effectively handling these facets of management will there be an assurance for growth and profitability. Since all these facets are greatly linked together, each or any of these that will not be performed well will be the cause of the company’s failure.


Nowadays, starting your business and securing success is not as easy as investing money and watching it earn interest. With so many players entering the playing field, add it up to the opening up of every nation to globalization (with the help of advanced technology) wherein competition becomes tougher and meaner, the survival of the fittest in business setting has become a lot complicated that it used to. There are currently so many things to consider and so many risks and threats to traverse. If you are not equipped well to play the game, then you can be certain that you will never reach the finish line. The key is to become armed with methods and formulas that can help you become one of the strongest players. And with the unstable economy making it more difficult, it is only fitting, now more than ever, to be guided by principles that can make you a worthy opponent and an exceptional survivor.

Different Facets of Management  You should know

Time Management

Time, being definite, is the most valuable resources that a businessperson needs to manage. Since there are only 24 hours a day, with several hours spent on sleeping eating, caring for oneself and socializing, it is only proper that a businessperson be stingy when it comes to managing time. As such, learning how to delegate to maximize time is necessary.

People Management

Once the business starts to boom, there will be no denying that the next unavoidable step to take is to get help. As much as you would want to do everything by yourself, it will not be physically possible. Since hiring an employee will entail spending money, a lot of business people are trying to evade this process. Instead of arguing with the fact that getting help is not a prerogative but is a requirement, there are actually options to choose how to get help in the most cost-effective way.

Finances and Investment Management

Money is the cause and yield of all businesses. To be able for a business to get started, money is invested; to be able to be deemed successful, money should be yielded. However, having money does not equate to success; being able to grow this money is what businesses are all about. As such, developing a system wherein returns from investments are secured is a vital part of management.

Growth Management

Every business envisions itself in becoming big and powerful in the future. While a lot of entrepreneurs spent time on dreaming and envisioning, being able to manage these dreams and visions in becoming a reality is what really matters. Knowing how growth becomes an indispensable part of the future is a management skill that is an essential ingredient in fostering a successful business.

Management Gone Wrong

An outstanding effect of not being able to handle all or any these management phases may result to an undesirable bottom-line. Since all businesses are built with the goal of becoming profitable, the probability of failure is at high take if skills are not set to manage all facets of management. Productivity will sure to suffer at great lengths if time and people are not handled well. Since finances are extremely connected to our production, we can be certain that it will generate less revenue than desired. With income being limited, it is only fitting to expect that future growth will be never be realized as there would be no money to be used to expand the business.

Only when an organization is able to determine ways of properly and effectively handling these facets of management will there be an assurance for growth and profitability. Since all these facets are greatly links together, each or any of these that will not be performed well will be the cause of the company’s failure.

A Powerful Complete Guide in Becoming a Smart Boss

Nowadays, starting your business and securing success is not as easy as investing money and watching it earn interest. With so many players entering the playing field, add it up to the opening up of every nation to globalization (with the help of advanced technology) wherein competition becomes tougher and meaner, the survival of the fittest in business setting has become a lot complicated that it used to. There are currently so many things to consider and so many risks and threats to traverse. If you are not equipped well to play the game, then you can be certain that you will never reach the finish line. The key is to become armed with methods and formulas that can help you become one of the strongest players. And with the unstable economy making it more difficult, it is only fitting, now more than ever, to be guided by principles that can make you a worthy opponent and an exceptional survivor.

Different Facets of Management  You should know

Time Management

Time, being definite, is the most valuable resources that a businessperson needs to manage. Since there are only 24 hours a day, with several hours spent on sleeping eating, caring for oneself and socializing, it is only proper that a businessperson be stingy when it comes to managing time. As such, learning how to delegate to maximize time is necessary.

People Management

Once the business starts to boom, there will be no denying that the next unavoidable step to take is to get help. As much as you would want to do everything by yourself, it will not be physically possible. Since hiring an employee will entail spending money, a lot of business people are trying to evade this process. Instead of arguing with the fact that getting help is not a prerogative but is a requirement, there are actually options to choose how to get help in the most cost-effective way.

Finances and Investment Management

Money is the cause and yield of all businesses. To be able for a business to get started, money is invested; to be able to be deemed successful, money should be yielded. However, having money does not equate to success; being able to grow this money is what businesses are all about. As such, developing a system wherein returns from investments are secured is a vital part of management.

Growth Management

Every business envisions itself in becoming big and powerful in the future. While a lot of entrepreneurs spent time on dreaming and envisioning, being able to manage these dreams and visions in becoming a reality is what really matters. Knowing how growth becomes an indispensable part of the future is a management skill that is an essential ingredient in fostering a successful business.

Management Gone Wrong

An outstanding effect of not being able to handle all or any these management phases may result to an undesirable bottom-line. Since all businesses are built with the goal of becoming profitable, the probability of failure is at high take if skills are not set to manage all facets of management. Productivity will sure to suffer at great lengths if time and people are not handled well. Since finances are extremely connected to our production, we can be certain that it will generate less revenue than desired. With income being limited, it is only fitting to expect that future growth will be never be realized as there would be no money to be used to expand the business.

Only when an organization is able to determine ways of properly and effectively handling these facets of management will there be an assurance for growth and profitability. Since all these facets are greatly links together, each or any of these that will not be performed well will be the cause of the company’s failure.

Do I really have to Delegate?!

YES! Delegation is one of the most imperative management skills. Good delegation saves you time, develops your people, grooms a successor and motivates. Poor delegation will cause you frustration, demotivate and confuse the other person and result in failure in achieving the task or purpose itself.

Here are the simple steps to know when your delegation is a success:

Successful delegation is when you…

  • Describe the responsibilities included

    Does itthe duty meet the criteria for delegating? Validate in your own mind that the duty is suitable to be delegated.

  • Choose the individual for your project

    What are you going to get out of it? What’s in it for you? What are your reasons for delegating to this person?

  • Evaluate capability and trainings needed

    Is the other person or team of people competent for the task? Do they recognize recognise what needs to be done.? If your answer here is NO, then, you can’t delegate.

  • Clarify the reasons

    You must clarify why the job or responsibility is being delegated to that people or person or those people. Why to that person or those people? What is its significance and relevance?

  • Point out the essential results

    What must be achieved? Clarify understanding by getting feedback from the other person. How will the task be measured? Make sure they know how you intend to decide whether the job is being successfully done.

  • Concur the deadlines

    When should the job be finished? For an ongoing duty, when are the evaluation dates? If the task is complex and has parts or stages, what are the immediate ones?

    At this stage, confirm understanding with the other person of the previous points to get ideas and interpretation. Schemes for checking and controlling must be in agreement with the other person. He or she should show you that the job can be done; this helps support obligation.

  • Evaluate results

    It is necessary to ask your people how they are doing and whether they have achieved their aims. If not, you must evaluate with them why things did not go as planned and deal with the problems.

Follow these simple steps and dive right into delegation. As you become more successful in delegating, you will feel more certain in adding to your ‘Stop Doing’ list. Then, use your time on something much more impactful for your business or much more pleasurable for you.


Do you feel stressed and overloaded?
If so, then you may need to brush up your delegation skills!

This is reality. You can’t do everything that everyone wants, and this can leave you stressed, unhappy and overloaded.

To delegate effectively, choose the right tasks to delegate, identify the right people to delegate to, and delegate in the right way. There’s a lot to this, but you’ll achieve so much more once you’re delegating effectively!

This is why delegation is such an important skill and is one that you absolutely have to learn!

Would you rather be focusing on all of the things you have to do, or do you want to use that time to get results that really matter to you? – Tony Robbins

The power of delegation

As an entrepreneur, your time is your most valuable asset, which is why delegation is so important. As a leader, your job is to concentrate on those things that only you, as the leader, can do. This is where the effectiveness of an organisation increases exponentially. Effective delegation is the secret to successful leadership. The purpose is twofold: to accomplish the task at hand and to develop the employee in charge of its completion. If applied properly, it’s a technique that saves time, money and morale whilst increasing the capabilities of your human resources. Mishandled, delegation can be a catastrophic failure resulting in poor performance, resentment and inefficiency.

Keeping Control

Take time to explain why they were chosen for the job, what’s expected from them during the project, the goals you have for the project, all timelines and deadlines and the resources on which they can draw. And agree a schedule for

Make sure that the team member understands that you want to know if any problems occur and that you are available for any questions or guidance needed as the work progresses.

We all know that as managers, we shouldn’t micromanage. However, this doesn’t mean we must abdicate control altogether. In delegating effectively, we have to find the sometimes-difficult balance between giving enough space for people to use their abilities to the best effect and monitoring and supporting closely enough to ensure that the job is done correctly and effectively.

The Importance of Full Acceptance

When delegated work is delivered back to you, set aside enough time to review it thoroughly. If possible, only accept good-quality, fully complete work. If you accept work that you are not satisfied with, your team member does not learn to do the job properly. Worse than this, you accept a whole new tranche of work that you will probably need to complete yourself. Not only does this overload you, but it also means that you don’t have the time to do your own job properly. Of course, when good work is returned to you, make sure to both recognise and reward the effort. As a leader, you should get in the practice of complimenting members of your team every time you are impressed by what they have done. This effort on your part will go a long way towards building team members’ self-confidence and efficiency, both of which will be improved in the next delegated task; hence, you both win.

Key Points

By delegating effectively, you can hugely expand the amount of work that you can deliver.

When you arrange the workload, you are working on the tasks that have the highest priority for you and other people are working on meaningful and challenging assignments, you have a recipe for success.

The Complete Guide to Accounting and Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants

Accounting and Bookkeeping Virtual

Introduction: What is an Accounting & Bookkeeping Virtual Assistant?

Accounting and bookkeeping virtual assistants are one of the many specialized services that a virtual assistant can provide. They can do all sorts of administrative tasks, such as invoicing, bookkeeping, and payroll. They can be a great help for small business owners who have limited time to focus on these tasks.

Virtual assistants are becoming more popular in today’s world because they allow people to get things done without having to leave their homes or offices. With an accounting and bookkeeping virtual assistant, you can forget about the stress of doing tedious paperwork and focus on what you do best!

What Skills Does an Accounting & Bookkeeping VA Have?

Accounting and bookkeeping VAs have a wide range of skills that can be applied to a variety of
industries. They have experience in the following areas:

  • Accounting and bookkeeping
  • Data entry
  • Xero
  • Payroll
  • Bookkeeping for small businesses, start-ups, and individuals
  • Financial statements preparation
  • Financial analysis

Why is Working with an Accounting and Bookkeeping VA Beneficial?

Accounting and bookkeeping VA can help you in a variety of ways. They can do your monthly or quarterly bookkeeping, manage your accounts payable, and prepare your taxes.

Accounting and bookkeeping VA are beneficial because they offer a wide range of services at an affordable price. They can also help you with other tasks that may not be their primary responsibility but are still important to the success of your business.

This section will talk about the benefits of working with an accounting and bookkeeping VA.

How to Hire the Right Virtual Assistant for Your Business Needs?

The virtual assistant is becoming a popular choice for entrepreneurs and small business owners. It is a way to save time and money while still receiving the same high-quality service. However, not all virtual assistants are created equal. If you are looking to hire one, it is important to know the qualities of the right virtual assistant for your business needs.

A good virtual assistant should be able to do a variety of tasks for you. They should be able to take care of administrative tasks like managing your calendar, sending out emails, and scheduling meetings. They should also be able to handle more complex tasks like setting up accounting systems, maintaining databases, and generating reports.

It is also important that they have strong communication skills in order to work with clients on a regular basis. A good virtual assistant will have excellent written and spoken English skills as well as knowledge of other languages that may be needed depending on your clientele or industry expertise that you need them for.

Conclusion: 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire An Accounting and Bookkeeping
VA  Now!

Hiring an accounting and bookkeeping VA is the best decision you can make for your business.
Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Cost-effective: Hiring a virtual assistant will save you money in the long run because of their affordable hourly rates.

2. Save time: Virtual assistants are skilled at managing your tasks, so you can spend more time doing what matters most to your business.

3. Focus on what matters most: With a virtual assistant, you can focus on what matters most to your business and let them handle everything else for you.

4. Work when it’s convenient for you: You don’t have to worry about any office hours or meeting with clients anymore because virtual assistants work from anywhere in the world!

5. Get rid of administrative tasks: Virtual assistants can help with all sorts of administrative tasks that take up too much time, like answering emails and scheduling meetings or events.

Businesses these days must be smarter to survive. You must find new ways and sustainable solutions to ensure that competitive edge. Let Virtual Office Angels make your life easier. With a strong track record of long-term businesses from our clients, we continue to win new customers on a consistent basis. Check out what our clients say about us.

Give us a call now at 1300 737 883 or simply email me back

Empowering Businesses on International Women’s Day

International Women's Day

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, it’s important to take a moment to recognize and honor the amazing women of Virtual Office Angels. We have women in our organization in all different functions – from our talented and highly qualified Virtual Assistants who are making a significant impact in the world of business, helping small to large businesses grow faster, to our Team Leaders and Managers who mentor and guide our team, and our very own founder, Anne Villavieja.

Virtual Office Angels is a trusted partner for Australian businesses looking to leverage their time, money, and resources. Their expertise in the industry and their knowledge of the Australian business environment, combined with their understanding of the local Philippine talent, make them an invaluable resource for companies searching for the perfect match to help their businesses grow sustainably and ethically.

At Virtual Office Angels, women are at the forefront of everything they do, and they believe in empowering women by providing opportunities for professional growth and success.

On this International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the incredible women of Virtual Office Angels and all the amazing women who are making a difference in the world of business.

Maintain a Work-Life Balance by Outsourcing – Hire a Virtual Assistant

Work-Life Balance

Have you been stressing out and feeling so overwhelmed lately that you’ve

Have you been stressing out and feeling so overwhelmed lately that you’ve missed out on special family gatherings and had to refuse invites from friends? Have you been spending long hours at work and at the end of the day feel like so little has been done and more tasks are still left in your inbox? When was the last time you took a holiday?
As the saying goes, if your business can’t survive and grow without you, then it’s not a sustainable business. You just got yourself a demanding job.
If your goal this year is to continuously expand and bring higher returns to your business while maintaining a work-life balance, outsourcing and hiring the right fit Virtual Assistant support (or a team of VAs) for your business is the best solution.

What’s a Virtual Assistant and How Can It Help You Maintain a Work-Life Balance?

A virtual assistant is an online worker who provides a variety of virtual services to businesses and entrepreneurs. Not physically working in your office, virtual assistants have the needed skills, knowledge and are equipped with tools to perform their duties. But not all Virtual Assistants are the same and created equal. While some VAs jump into the online world straight from uni with no experience at all, some of them perform their tasks by reading templates provided to them by their employers which means a lot of time, energy, money and resources are needed (and wasted) in their training and development.
At Virtual Office Angels, we can help you delegate and offload the time-consuming tasks that takes all your time and energy. With decades of HR experience, we can assist you in the search of only highly qualified Virtual Assistants (or a team of VAs) for your specific needs. With the right virtual assistant that matches your specific needs, you can have peace of mind in offloading all your workload to free yourself from all the time consuming tasks that bogs you down.

Here are some of the services a virtual office assistant from Virtual Office Angels can help you with:

Key Reasons Why Hire a Virtual Assistant for Your Business

Running a business includes a wide range of various, time consuming and meticulous tasks that can take so much of one’s time if not effectively delegated. If you want to maintain a better lifestyle, then stop working harder, and instead, you have to work smarter.

But there’s more to hiring a virtual assistant than getting things done faster. If you are still on the fence on hiring a virtual office assistant for your business, here’s a list of the main reasons why your business needs it now more than ever.

Reduced expenses without compromising the service quality

Any medium firm or small business owner can minimize overhead costs by employing only highly qualified and professional Virtual Assistants.  Cost is the obvious reason to outsource.  You can save – around 50% – 60% on labour cost, NO additional expensive infrastructure to pay, NO electricity bill, NO computer hardware and software expenses, NO superannuation cost, NO payroll tax and more importantly, without the hassles of a traditional employee (i.e. No Unfair dismissal issue, No harassment issues, No bullying, etc).    As one of our clients agan said, “Same quality, fraction of the costs”.   

Scale your business operations quickly

Delegate, delegate and delegate more so you can offload all the time consuming and repetitive tasks in your inbox to a highly qualified Virtual Assistant.  With this in place, you will have more time, can breathe better and focus to attending to the more important aspect of your business – getting more clients – Your client who also needs your time and attention to provide them the outstanding customer service that they deserve.

Avoid burnout

Hiring a virtual assistant will lower your workload significantly (and your blood pressure too).   Repetitive tasks like responding to emails, scheduling meetings, calendar management consume a lot more time than individuals believe. Besides, you’ll need more mental space for more important things. A virtual assistant can do these administrative and repetitive tasks and more.  By learning how to delegate these time consuming workload and reducing repetitive tasks from your plate, you have more time to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Work-life balance is often overlooked because it is easier to stick to old habits. However, we can’t expect the same results by doing the same thing every day. Maximise outsourcing and let it grow your business faster and change your life for the better.

Ready to start your journey with the right Virtual Assistant for your business? Contact Virtual Office Angels now or read here why Virtual Office Angels may be the company for your business virtual staffing.

How to use Virtual Assistance as a Business Continuity Tool?

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a test of character, not just on a personal capacity but also on how businesses project resilience and stability. But with or without the pandemic, businesses are expected to have a certain fail-safe or a fallback in case of circumstances that would require minimising workforce and production capacity.

They say that anything is possible in the internet era, from saving thousands of dollars to travel from one place to another, only to attend a meeting, to outsourcing processes and optimising offshore frameworks. 

The demand for virtual access and capabilities has never been this strong. Highlighted by the current health crisis we are all still facing, this proved, time and again, that technology is a reliable weapon when it comes to adversities.  

We have been discussing in our previous articles the importance of knowing where to find the right resources. Using the available ones cannot only help you and your business get through a tough time. It can also help you get to your goals easier and faster.

Business continuity plan or BCP has always been a mandatory process, in place, in the event of a periled working system – when an emergency arises or when skeletal staffing is the most reasonable thing to do for the business. But a business continuity plan only works for a preset duration of time. 

How to use Virtual Assistance as a Business Continuity Tool

In a time when there are so many uncertainties, businesses would need to find firm ground to stand the test of time. A stable support system that could ensure that the business would continue to grow and foster the culture of excellence. 

Virtual assistance services are amongst the most efficient solutions to some of the current problems businesses experience. Getting a virtual assistance service could help the business continue. It creates a space for collaboration and virtual connection.  

Virtual Office Angels Pty Ltd has been at the forefront of providing, not just, quality virtual assistants to their clients. They have also managed to create a culture of success, thanks to the highly skilled and well-rounded team within the company. 

Mortgage and Loan Processing Support 

Our mortgage and loan processing virtual assistants and support have proven to be efficient in getting the job done – the proper process and procedures and within the margins.

Our virtual assistants manage the entire process from application, general critical data collection and data entry to settlement, including data entry to CRM, loan structure preparation, client/borrower communication and update, serviceability calculator preparation, valuation ordering and follow-up, discharge form preparation, preparation of other documents and forms (e.g. FHOG) file lodgement, regular mortgage broker updates and regular borrower updates. They use the most up-to-date CRM in the market, such as Connective, Mercury, Podium, Salestrekker, Symmetry, Flex, AdviserLogic and COIN.

We bank on our virtual assistants’ vast experience and high-level skillsets to ensure that when you give them something to work on, they do not just accomplish them; they also create opportunities to ensure that every bit of time they spend working for you is worth it for you.

Financial Planning Support

Our top-of-the-class virtual assistants also support financial planners and advisors from appointment setting, collating handouts, preparing templates for presentations done in PowerPoint, drafting SOAs and/or data entry into different CRMs and software, such as XPlan (e.g. Risk Researcher, WealthSolver and CALM) Midwinter and AdviserLogic.

Accounting & Bookkeeping Support

Our Virtual Assistants are always the best in their areas of expertise. Experienced in your preferred Accounting software (i.e., Xero, Saasu, MYOB, etc.), our highly skilled Virtual Accountants assist in daily, weekly, or monthly invoicing and payroll, Accounts Receivable and Payable, Bank Reconciliation and Balance Sheets, etc. ensuring you have an accurate reporting system in place.

Virtual Office Angels Pty Ltd. holds a proven track record of providing only the best and the brightest virtual assistance services in the industry. Whether it be for accounting services, financial planning, or mortgage broking, Virtual Office Angels Pty Ltd ensures that it is not just the business that they will take care of, they will also take care of your welfare as an individual. 

The time you usually spend doing the brunt and minuscule work can be freed up and spent for your family, leisure, and other hobbies and activities important to you. Just imagine finally getting on that vacation you have always dreamt of going to, but could not, because of so much work that needs to be finished. With Virtual Office Angels Pty Ltd., rest assured that your business is well taken care of. 

Our dedicated and highly efficient virtual assistance team could help you make sure that you are getting the most of every bit of time we do work for you. When there is nothing to be done, we find ways to be productive. When there are so many things that need to be accomplished, we make sure that we do not compromise quality over speed or quantity.

We value every work we do because we understand how important the work is for you and your business. At the end of the day, our main goal is to ensure that you and your company will reach new heights, achieve milestones while realizing potentials.

Let us start discussing your business’ needs while also determining the unrealized goals and potentials of your business. Together, we can make things possible even when the going gets tough. 

The Problems with Outsourcing and How to Solve Them


Outsourcing a virtual assistant brings substantial benefits for your business.  Firstly, it can save you a lot of your time and a significant amount money because it is definitely more cost effective than hiring someone working with you in an expensive office.  However, there are also challenges that come with hiring one and it became more apparent during the pandemic when everybody started working from home when the world of virtual assistance and outsourcing boomed.

From the lack of quality control, communication issues, cultural differences to security concerns, etc so let us provide you with tips on how to overcome the problems that come with outsourcing.

If You’re Not Reaping the Benefits of Outsourcing a Virtual Assistant Yet…

Businesses of all sizes have been reaping the benefits of outsourcing virtual assistants who can help them not only with administrative tasks, but also accounting, marketing, mortgage and loans processing support and many more.

The act of employing a third party to carry out a commercial task that is usually handled internally is known as outsourcing. It is beneficial to businesses because it could lower costs, increase efficiency, allows you to concentrate on your core skills and most especially, gives you back the needed time you need to do and create other things you love. Access to specialist resources and talents that might not be accessible internally can also be provided by outsourcing.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with work lately, it’s a sign to hire a virtual assistant right now.

Communication and Cultural Differences

Working with people that have different language and cultural standards can cause miscommunications, hence it is one of the major concerns when outsourcing. This could lead to confusion, delays, and unmet expectations. Finding common ground, cultural training, and clear communication can all help to lessen these difficulties.

Time zones can be a hurdle too since it can be challenging to organize meetings and coordinate communication when the outsourced business and the client are in different time zones. This could result in miscommunication and delays in finishing the project. Also, if there is a considerable time difference, it could force people to work outside of regular business hours, which can affect both productivity and work-life balance.

Established in 2020, Virtual Office Angels is a boutique outsourcing company that manages only highly specialised virtual assistants.  With hands-on expertise and experience in managing the Australian business culture and dealing with Australian clients,  VA productivity is higher with tasks easily done and completed with confidence and great knowledge.

Additionally, with the Philippines only 2 – 3 hours behind, it is easier to work on fixed Australian business hours. 

Quality Control and Performance Issues

When dealing with remote teams, quality control can be a concern because you are not working next to the staff and one is unable to correct mistakes that come along right away. 

This risk can be reduced by creating clear expectations, keeping communication lines open, processes in place and quality assurance procedures.  It’s also crucial to establish precise contractual agreements and closely examine prospective outsourcing partners. 

Virtual Office Angels has a team of HR and team leaders that ensure nothing is missed out.  From its VA Recruitment procedure and the VA Onboarding process, we are able to assist you in the needed support you need to ensure that tasks are done and completed to your expectation each and every day.

Lower Productivity Levels

Another problem with outsourcing is productivity, but it ultimately boils down to how well the outsourcing is handled. Setting expectations, keeping track of progress, and having open lines of communication can all assist to keep productivity on track. Also, selecting an outsourcing partner with a track record of producing high-quality work on schedule might assist reduce any productivity concerns.

Here are some tips to help make sure virtual assistants are effective during work hours:

·         Thoroughly explain the role, your expectations and outcome

·         Establish clear objectives and due dates

·         Provide needed on boarding and the special tools, if needed

·         Arrange regular progress updates or check-ins

·         Promote open dialogue and feedback

·         Track their work using productivity tools and software.

Security Threats and Concerns

Concerns about intellectual property rights, confidentiality, security lapses, and compliance with local laws and regulations can arise as a result of outsourcing.   For instance, outsourcing could entail disclosing private data to independent suppliers, raising the danger of security lapses and the potential loss of intellectual property. Also, there may be differences in how local rules and regulations are followed between countries, which can lead to moral and legal conundrums. When outsourcing, it’s crucial for businesses to carefully weigh these potential dangers and take the necessary precautions to reduce them.

Here are some guidelines to help you protect your company’s papers when outsourcing:

  • Carefully identify and communicate to the outsourcing provider your expectations and requirements for data security.
  • Make use of secure file-sharing and communication methods, such virtual data rooms or encrypted email.
  • Use security tools like firewalls, antivirus software, and data encryption to safeguard the devices and network of your business.

Choosing a highly reputable Australian outsourcing company such as Virtual Office Angels Pty Ltd with a proven track record can help mitigate or completely avoid the above challenges of outsourcing virtual assistants in Australia.   More importantly, you can work less, earn more and save a lot of your precious time to help you grow your business faster, easily.

Contact us and start your journey with a highly skilled virtual assistant tailored for your specific business needs.