25 Effective Ideas Used by Successful Businesses

There are always those days when work is quiet. But on those slower periods, it’s an outstanding chance to not only grab hold of on all of your administration work. It’s also a great chance to get your business out there and plug yourself wherever you can.

Here are 25 Effective Ideas Used by Successful Businesses:

1. Cold call
Begin each day by following up any new leads or making several cold calls. It’s always good to keep your marketing on track and investigate any new opportunities that come your way.

2. Generate an e-newsletter
Distribute a regular e-newsletter to your current customer base. Inform people about what you’re doing and any new products or services you’ve launched. It’ll keep you on their radars and encourage repeat business.

3. Get into your local newspaper
put in writing about anything interesting going on in your business. Not sure how to write one? Read these tips or simply pick up the phone and speak to a journalist to see if they’re interested in running something. If they are, they’ll probably write the story themselves.

4. Publish a blog
Blogs are great opportunities to not only extend your digital marketing strategy by creating a whole range of long-tail keywords, SEO-wise. They’re also a good chance to show off your skills and expertise while building trust.

5. Present mini versions
Consider creating a ‘mini’ version of your product or service at a discounted rate. This may persuade new or existing customers to part with their cash and might lead to a longer term business relationship

6. Discover a niche
Research and discover a niche in the market that could benefit from your product or service, then subsequently target. Find out what’s missing and what people really need. Offer solutions to people’s problems.

7. Talk to your clientele
Don’t be afraid to chat to your existing customers to ask them why they hired you. And take the opportunity to ask them if you could be doing anything more to improve your service to them.

8. Use Twitter
Twitter is often referred to as the business-friendly social media platform because it’s a great way to start networking online while giving your brand personality.

9. Always carry business cards
Never ever leave home without your business cards. You never know who you might bump into. Make sure your business cards contain all relevant information, including your website address and any social media accounts you might have.

10. Promote on blogs
Explore online advertising opportunities by researching where your target market likes to go. Are there any blogs that appeal to your customers? get in touch with the blog owner and sponsor them in exchange for advertising space.

11. Write link-bait blogs
Make the most of your own blog by writing posts that naturally encourage people to link to it. The more people who recommend your blogs, the more web traffic you’ll get to your website.

12. Get testimonials
Nothing works better for your marketing than having a genuine testimonial from a happy client. If you haven’t yet added any testimonials to your website or marketing materials, do it now! Just make sure you ask full permission from your client first.

13. Make the most of your email signature
Link everything up by adding social media accounts and website URLs to your own email signature. Even consider adding your main marketing message or company slogan. Remind people why you’re business is good.

14. Make friends with leading bloggers
There’s a wealth of new media out there, so get researching and find some influential bloggers to make friends with. Get them to write a review about your business, product or service.

15. Sustain a competition
There are always competitions at newspapers and radio shows. Consider sponsoring one of them to raise your profile. You’ll not only advertise your brand and company name, you’ll be putting yourself in front of a much wider market.

16. Offer discounts for limited periods
Discounts at certain times of the year are always popular. Offer your own products and services at a discounted rate, for example – ‘Summer Savings’ or ‘Winter Deal’. People always like a bargain.

17. Sponsor an awards ceremony
Although often an expensive option, sponsoring awards can really get your business name out there. Remember, not all awards are expensive. There are always niche award ceremonies that better suit your business and budget.

18. Give something away
Got something you can offer in a competition? Newspapers and magazines will give you free editorial space in exchange for a prize. Just be aware they’ll always want minimum prize values.

19. Create an e-brochure
Hard-copy brochures can be expensive to design and print. Save your money and create a PDF version instead, available to download via your website. Take the opportunity to really sell yourself and explain to potential customers why they should hire you.

20. Write a column for your local paper
Get in touch with your local rag to see if they’d benefit from a regular ‘ask the expert’ column, then provide regular expert features for them to publish. Don’t ask, don’t get – so pick up the phone today.

21. Traditional mailers
Mail-drop campaigns are simply pushing marketing leaflets through doors or sending out postcards to your existing customer database. They might be old school but they shouldn’t be underestimated.

22. Add interaction to your website
People want to interact with websites these days, so create something that will be really appealing and helpful to your potential customers. For example, a recent website we created for our client Manchester Fertility Services includes a bespoke feature that has proved hugely successful in drawing new enquiries and customers

23. Become an expert spokesperson
Journalists are always after industry experts to add a little something to their news reports. Contact your local TV, radio and newspapers to put yourself forward as a willing spokesperson and expert in your own business field. Be prepared to be available for any interviews that might come up and do some media training so you’re ready to go.

24. Create a press kit
Pull together some background information about yourself and your business, ready to send out to any journalists. Have a ‘press’ section on your website where media can easily find out more about you and contact you.

25. Delegate
Delegation is one of the most important management skills. These logical rules and techniques will help you to delegate well (and will help you to help your manager when you are being delegated a task or new responsibility – delegation is a two-way process!). Good delegation saves you time, develops you people, grooms a successor, and motivates. Poor delegation will cause you frustration, demotivates and confuses the other person, and fails to achieve the task or purpose itself. So it’s a management skill that’s worth improving.

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